Pot luck dinner

Morden Community Hall 2321 Morden Rd, Morden, Nova Scotia, Canada

Appetizers at 5:00, dinner at 6:00.

Easter Sunrise Service at The French Cross, Morden


There will be an Easter Sunrise Service at The French Cross on Sunday March 27th at 7:00 AM This will be followed by a traditional breakfast of hard boiled eggs and toast plus other goodies and tea and coffee at the Community Centre. Everyone is invited and welcome to attend. United Church of Canada; Aylesford […]

Hall Booked

Yoga Classes

Morden Community Hall 2321 Morden Rd, Morden, Nova Scotia, Canada

Yoga Classes

Morden Community Hall 2321 Morden Rd, Morden, Nova Scotia, Canada

Yoga Classes

Morden Community Hall 2321 Morden Rd, Morden, Nova Scotia, Canada

Hall Booked


Morden Community Hall 2321 Morden Rd, Morden, Nova Scotia, Canada

The menu will be scrambled eggs, sausage, ham, pancakes, homemade fishcakes, baked beans, juice, tea and coffee. It is a free will offering. All proceeds are for the Morden Community Hall.
